Ada hal menarik yang bisa dilakukan dengan botol plastik. Semua bagian botol plastik dari tutup hingga bagian-bagian lainnya, bisa dikreasikan menjadi aneka benda bermanfaat. Buku keren ini akan m…
Beberapa tanaman obat yang sering kita temui sebagai bumbu dapur atau sebagai tanaman pengisi kebun di halaman rumah ternyata memiliki keajaiban untuk mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit degeneratif hi…
The purpose of this book is to teach children how teasing, when done with the wrong motives, in the wrong place or at the wrong time, can be destructive. in addition, it teaches children how to…
What this book is about... Francis scott key's star-spangled banner . What is the true story behind"the star-spangled banner"?
the purpose of this book is to teach children the importance of conserving food, water, clothes, fuel, supplies, and money. it also teaches children concrete things they can do to conserve these…
Amelia Earhart always loved adventure,and she did not let anything prevent her from following her drem.
The books in the All kids R Intelligent!
The purpose of this book is to teach children how gossiping can be harmful and how it can and should be avoided. reading and discussing this book with your child can prevent him or her from gossi…
Get hands-on experience with science! use household objects and easy-to-find materials to do more than 100 experiments.
Sayuran banyak mengandung vitamin yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Vitamin digunakan tubuh untuk melawan penyakit. Banyak jenis sayur yang dapat kalian makan. Contohnya sawi yang selalu ada bila makan b…