A boy who had a cold and bossy mother. A great athlete and horseback rider. The very first president of the brand-new united States.
Suatu hari keong bertemu dengan rusa. Rusa mentertawakan keong karena jalannya lambat. Keong merasa di remehkan, "Meskipun jalanku lambat, tetapi kalau kita balapan lari belum tentu kau menang!…
Follow brother and sister Hansel and gretel as they become lost in the forest and find themselves in a very unappetising situation!
Sprinkle some fairy dust and follow peter pan as he takes the darling children on an adventure to the exciting world of Neverland-a magical place of pirates,mermaids,and fairies
ABOUT WHO WAS ALBERT EINSTEIN? One of the most brilliant human beings who ever lived A scientist whose discoveries and theories led to TV…and the atom bomb A peace-loving guy with really crazy…
Tidaaaak! Aku terjebak di bawah meja. Sedihnya, ada banyak alat tulis lain. Tapi, Alma sama sekali tidak peduli. Aha! Aku punya ide agar Alma memperhatikan kami. Penasaran dengan ideku? Yuk, car…
A mischievous boy from France with a big imagination A talented man who wrote about prehistoric beasts, hot-air-balloon races, and undersea creatures A famous author often called “the father of…
Berdirinya kerajaan Demak tidak terlepas dari peran walisongo dalam perjuangan melawan penjajah portugis di selat malaka, sehingga Kerajaan demak dapat berkembang pesat hingga sampai ke pulau Sumat…
Young girls who learned to play tennis at an early age.Champions who have both won Grand Slams and Olympic gold medals. Sisters who have transformed the world of professional women's tennis with th…
" Cinta adalah titik-titik hujan yang jatuh dari langit. bunga bermekaran dan kupu-kupu menari-nari di sekelilingnya." Lulu dan mama bersama-sama menggambar cinta diatas kertas dengan krayon. Pe…