Two wives of King Henry VIII " lost their heads" there. It was home to the first elephant in England. It holds almost a thousand years of history and secrets.
Join the sprout street neighbors on the a trip to paris! Mili,Henry,Emma,Fernando,Wilbur,and Violet are all neighbors and friends.Together they'll head to France to soak up the joys of a new culture.
It is coldest, driest, and windiest continenton Earth. No human set foot on the continent until the nineteenth century. . It is home to many cold- weather animals, including the emperor penguin.
Buku ini berisi pengetahuan tentang jenis-jenis obat tumbuhan indonesia dan pengetahuan tentang berbagai tumbuhan yang memiliki khasiat obat.
Cerita rakyat adalah cerita yang berasal dan berkembang dalam masyarakat. cerita rakyat ada dua jenis, yaitu puisi dan prosa. Cerita rakyat dalam bentuk prosa terdiri dari dongeng, legenda, dan mite.
It's over these million years old. More than four thousand people have reached the top. It's the highest moutain in the world-and also one of the deadliest.
Hai, namaku Orange. Aku sebuah kantong plastik berwarna oranye. Aku memiliki petualangan berharga yang ingin aku ceritakan padamu. Kuberitahu kata kuncinya, ya. Ini tentang kantong plastik, samp…
Buku ini akan memberikan seluk beluk dunia kesenirupaan mulai dari sejarah dan perkembangannya, baik yang terjadi di Indonesia maupun dari mancanegara. Hal ini penting untuk memberi gambaran awal t…
a boy who lived in Venice, Italy, seven hundred years ago; a teenager who traveled to China-and came back twenty-four years later; the author of a travel book that inspired Christopher Columbus.
A boy who lived in venice, italy, seven hundred years ago A teenager who traveled to China-and came back twenty-four years later the author of a travel book that binspired All of the above!