Who has ever heard of goats in blue coast? In this story not only do the goats wear coats, they also play hide and seek with little Red Hen and little Pig.
This photographic Step into Reading Science leveled reader delivers a "you are there Step 2 experience for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Sherry Shahan's Feeding …
cats spend a lot of time cleaning their fur.
flies wearing ties is a funny thing. Especially when these flies find a table of treats, eat so much and then find that they can not flyany more.
Ayo ajak mamamu membaca buku ini! kamu akan senang melihat gambar-gambarnya dan ada banyak hal menarik untuk menambah pengetahuan!
Kata Dokter Andi, aku gondongan. Gondongan penyakit menular, jadi aku tidak boleh bermain bersama teman-teman sampai aku sembuh. Uuuh... aku bosan! Dilengkapi dengan pesan dokter dan tindakan-tind…
Dari biji tumbuh pohon tinggi Induk tupai dan anaknya sedang asyk bermain di hutan. Tiba-tiba...puk! Anak tupai terkejut. sesuatu mengenai kepalanya. Ternyata benda aneh itu membawa mereka ke da…
Pernah melihat burung yang tinggi setinggi manusia, Bahkan lebih? Beratnya pun sungguh pantastis, bisa mencapai 140 kg. uniknya lagi, meskipun berjenis burung, tapi dia tidak bisa terbang. itu ad…
All the other bunnies have scary fox stories to tell. But Bobby has never even seen one. So, one night,he creeps out to go on a fox hunt!
Jonathan fossy was ever so bossy He told everyone what to do. "Bring me chocolates and gum,''