An inventor who once worked with Thomas edison. An engineer whose experiments with electricity, remote control,and wireless communication changed the world. One of the most brilliant and influentia…
The Titanic was the world's largest ship of the time.It was like a floating palace, with the best of everything on it. It was said to be " unsinkable ,"but the ship went down on its first voyage
Over 350 Japanese planes appeared out of nowhere over Hawaii. Mammoth US battleships exploded in minutes. A marine band played the national anthem through a rain of bullets-and survived.
The wall stretches for more than four thousand miles across northem China. It is the largest man-made structure in the world. Nearly a million people died building it.
Buku success stories ini berisi tulisan mengenai 30 sosok pengusaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Kumpulan kisah nyata ini pernah dimuat dalam Rubrik Inspirasi Warta Kota edidsi Minggu sejak 2008. Para…
This are was also known as the Jazz Age.There were crazy fads, like sitting on top of a flagpole. The 1929 stock market crash brought the good times to an and.
Bengawan Solo lebih dari sekedar lagu yang melegenda. Sungai terbesar dan terpanjang di pulau jawa tersebut. saat ini menghadapi permasalahan yang sangat kompleks. Ekspedisi bengawan solo memotret…
a boy who loved zoos and drawing silly animals; a college student voted least likely to succeed"; an author and illustrator who changed children's books forever; all of the above!"
Pada April 1655,armada Gowa di bawah pimpinan Sultan Hasanuddin menyerang orang-orang Belanda yang menduduki Pulau Buton. Untuk menghadapi armada Gowa yang datang menyerang, orang-orang Belanda men…
Setelah berkuasa di padang pada 1819, Belanda ingin berkuasa juga di pedalaman Minangkabau. dengan dikuasainya daerah itu posisi Inggris dari segi ekonomi akan melemahkan, begitu pula pengaruh Pad…